Photo furnished by Gary Hewitt.
This photo was taken near the Base Exchange at Evreux sometime during the summer of 1961. Do you know who owned this Lotus 7 car? (Several people, including Phil, have now identified Phil Handley as the owner during his days as a Lieutenant with the 40th TCS.)
Photo furnished by Jim Strickland.
This photo of the Evreux-Fauville Air Base was taken by Jim Strickland flying a private plane out of the small French airfield near the base.

Photo furnished by Dick Neufang.
A view of the City of Evreux taken from the neighboring hills by Dick Neufang sometime in the late '50s.
Photo furnished by Coach Dick Neufang.
The 1958 Evreux baseball team coached by Dick Neufang.

Photo furnished by Dan Reider.
Lineup of C-130s at Incirlik Air Base, Adana, Turkey.
Pamphlet furnished by Jim Anderson. |
This 1964 pamphlet is similar to those sent to us when we were getting ready to transfer to Evreux-Fauville Air Base, France. It is a guide to the facilities available on the base and in the surrounding area. Click on the photo to view the document. Be patient. It is a large file - it will take some time to download.

Photos furnished by Charlie Spicka. |
A recent snap of Charlie Spicka and his wife Carole in the left photo, and on the right a much younger Charlie and other crew members enjoying a weeklong stay in Rome. (Paul Sandman, Don Steinert, Charlie Spicka, host, George Talbert, unknown, Ted Vautrinot) Do you remember when we wore neckties at our nighttime meetings?

Photo furnished by Billie Boyd.
The trailer park, under construction, in 1954. The Base Laundry is in the center in the distant background.
 Photo furnished by George Talbert.
This photo shows people lining up to see a movie at the Base theatre.

Photo furnished by Bill Hatfield.
"Snuffy Smith", C-119 999, flew missions from Evreux for 6 months in 1954-55 with Bill Hatfield as aircraft commander. The aircraft and crew were from the 773d TCS at Ardmore, Oklahoma. Bill recalls that the base then had only a runway, hangar, 3-4 open bay barracks, mud streets and a community mess hall.

Photo furnished by Bill Lloyd.
This 1999 photo shows the building which was the Pergola, a favorite Evreux 'watering hole' for many of the Evreux Alumni. There were no clubs when the base first opened so the Pergola filled a needed void at that time and remained popular for several years.