Photo furnished by Doyle Brown.
This photo of the main gate of Evreux-Fauville Air Base was taken in November 1957 by Doyle Brown.

Photo furnished by Jimmie Register.
The Dock Hangar, shown in this photo taken by Jimmie Register, was one of the more prominent and busy buildings on the base.

Photo furnished by Jimmie Register.
C-130s in formation was a familiar sight at Evreux. This photo of C-130Bs flying formation over the Evreux-Fauville Air Base was taken at the air show in 1962.

Photo furnished by Jim Reed.
C-119 night formation training flights began at dusk. This flight of C-119s from Evreux was near the Normandy coast when this picture was taken.
 Photo furnished by Jim Strickland.
This C-119 crash landed off Runway 23 in the middle of a field.

Photo furnished by Jimmie Register.
C-130A 455 sits on her parking spot at Evreux-Fauville Air Base.

Photo furnished by Jimmie Register.
Merle Walker sweeps snow off of 544 prior to a test flight out of post dock. Photo shows the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award to 322d Air Division.

Photo furnished by James Anderson.
Clipping describes French protest of Viet war. "EVREUX, France (S&S) -- French police took over security of the U.S. air base here Sunday two hours before 1,300 demonstrators circled the big landing field in automobiles and buses, shouting "Peace in Viet Nam" and demanding that U.S. bases in France be closed. . . . ." Article concludes: "Big C130 transport planes landed and took off in brisk sunny weather through the afternoon."

Photo furnished by Dick Neufang.
This baseball team represented Evreux-Fauville Air Base in 1957. The team was coached by Dick Neufang.
 Photo furnished by George Talbert.
George Talbert's picture was taken alongside C-130A 536. This photo was probably taken at Spangdahlem AB.
 Photo furnished by Kenneth Milton.
MSgt Pierce and TSgt Ken Milton, Instructor with T-56 engine cut-away trainer at C-130-1 MTD, 1958-60.

C-130A 453, ready for takeoff.