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Board of Directors
Arkansas Senior Olympics

Introducing our current officers and board

Fred Leonard, President

In alphabetic order, including office held:
Peter Blakeslee, Hot Springs; Russ Cerrato,  Arkadelphia; Karen Duchac, Hot Springs;  Wayne Farrar, Fort Smith; Vernon Gingrich; Bob Gravette, Arkadelphia; Larry Griffith, Hot Springs; Jerry Hall, Sherwood; Fred Leonard, President, Hot Springs;  Wayne Mays, 1st Vice President, Fayetteville; Nathan Neighbors; Milton Raabe, 2d Vice President, Hot Springs; Len Randel, Hot Springs;  Bill Richardson, Hot Springs; Naomi Smith, Secretary, Hot Springs;  Sharon Thornton.


Senator Smith is presented a surprise picture
Senator honored for continuous services he has given to Arkansas Seniors.

Outstanding Service Award to Len Randel
Awarded for the many years of working with youth and seniors in track and field events.

Senior Arkansas Sports Organization, P. O. Box 1577 , Hot Springs AR 71902