
42. Catherine, Joseph and Magdalene in front of their ND house.

43. Son ( Joe?) Joseph, Catherine and Magdalene.

44. ND house of Joseph Merck family. Magdalene on porch, dog Sporty by the steps. Apx. 8 miles SE of Karlsruhe , near Balfour.

45. Catherine Merck. About this time Catherine had surgery to remove a kidney and was away from the family for apx. 6 months. She had a draining wound that required daily care for the rest of her life.

46. Catherine and Joseph Merck. An enlargement of this image of Catherine is photo # 53.

47. Catherine Merck. Enlargement from #48. |
 48. Catherine sitting on the oak bench. Above her is a photo of Tony, photo #49 and #113. |

49. Tony Merck.
 50. Joseph Merck photographed at Fr. Ambrose house, on a hill 2 miles from Karlsruhe. |
 51. Enlargement of #50. |

52. Joseph and Catherine Merck on their 50th wedding anniversary, Oct. 1937,Portland, OR.

53. Catherine Merck. Enlargement from photo # 46. Tinted by Therese Eberle Bell.

54. Joseph and Catherine Merck. Back row: Matt on the left, Magdalene and Jack.

55. Anniversary photo of Catherine and Joseph.
Back row: L to R Magdalene, Jack, Joseph, Matt, John and Lucy

56, 57. Anniversary photo taken on the steps of St. Patrick's Church, Portland, OR. Identification of people in photo:
1. Ronald Merck
2. Joseph Merck
3. Catherine Merck
4. Magdalene Merck
5. Kay Merck
6. Regina Deibele
7. Kay Deibele
8. Regina Merck |
9. Barbara Merck
10. Claudia Merck
11. Joseph Merck
12. Agatha Merck
13. Lucy Deibele
14. Elizabeth Merck
15. ?
16. John Merck |
17. Joe Deibele
18. Matt Merck
19. John Deibele
20. Rose Eberle
21. ?
22. Jacob Eberle
23. Fr. Moffenbier |
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