Eighth Generation

275. Peter EBERLE was born on 12 July 1914 in Mannheim, Kutschurgan, South Russia.141,267 Name applied for emigration (EWZ) place date141,267 He died on 31 January 2009 at the age of 94 in Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.142 He was Roman Catholic.141,267

Peter EBERLE and Magdalene SCHELL were married on 12 March 1939 in Elsass, Kutschurgan, South Russia.141,267 Magdalene SCHELL, daughter of Konrad SCHELL and Anna LORENZ, was born on 7 August 1908 in Elsass, Kutschurgan, South Russia.141 Name applied for emigration (EWZ) place date141 She was Roman Catholic.141

Peter EBERLE and Magdalene SCHELL had the following children:



Konrad EBERLE was born on 23 January 1940 in Mannheim, Kutschurgan, South Russia.142

(--?--) (--?--) was born (date unknown).

Peter EBERLE and (--?--) (--?--) had the following children:






Ida EBERLE was born on 8 May 1958 in Kurotschkino Village, Altai Area, RSFSR, USSR.142